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Nova cesta - review
Moderator: Diablo
Re: Nova cesta - review
Za tilanje velikih Star Wars platform bo super! Razumem pa negativne komentarje za uporabo pri city-ju...
May the Force be with you!
Re: Nova cesta - review
Meni ne potegne niti pod razno. Upam, da bodo pustili v prodaji stare cestni plošče ker jaz recimo ne bi mogel nič z novimi.
MMG set Town Centre je tudi slab. Najbolje da TLG prenese vso City prodajo v Ameriko pa nam pustijo modularce. Hiše so že popolnoma ameriške, kar mi sploh ni všeč.
Se opravičujem za off topic na koncu.
LP, Timi
P.S.: ne me resno jemat glede City-ja, sem se mogoče malo prenaglil.
MMG set Town Centre je tudi slab. Najbolje da TLG prenese vso City prodajo v Ameriko pa nam pustijo modularce. Hiše so že popolnoma ameriške, kar mi sploh ni všeč.
Se opravičujem za off topic na koncu.
LP, Timi
P.S.: ne me resno jemat glede City-ja, sem se mogoče malo prenaglil.
Fajn bod’te
Re: Nova cesta - review
Še en bolj podroben pregled:
https://www.brothers-brick.com/2020/12/ ... zHD1IREiWc
https://www.brothers-brick.com/2020/12/ ... zHD1IREiWc
Re: Nova cesta - review
Tole danes na Bricksetu:
TLG razlaga zakaj so nove ceste boljše ... kot smo pričakovali, nič konkretnega. Jaz jim še vedno ne verjamem in jih ne kupim, dokler ne bodo ovinka naredli. Je pa problem, kot sem bral, da rabiš za eno cesto zdej neprimerno več kock. Kar je pa, afkors, samo po godu, vemo komu.
TLG razlaga zakaj so nove ceste boljše ... kot smo pričakovali, nič konkretnega. Jaz jim še vedno ne verjamem in jih ne kupim, dokler ne bodo ovinka naredli. Je pa problem, kot sem bral, da rabiš za eno cesto zdej neprimerno več kock. Kar je pa, afkors, samo po godu, vemo komu.
There are several benefits from the new LEGO City road plates being introduced in 2021. The new road plates play an integral role in the LEGO City products where it, due to the modular nature of the builds, allows you to be creative and create the LEGO City of your liking.
This is the reason we actually believe the new road plate provides a more authentic building experience and also because it can be reconfigured in many ways and it allows you to connect your LEGO City buildings in a better way.
Going forward we will also be able to include one or more road plates in relevant products across the LEGO City portfolio. This was something we were not able to with the old version. We believe this will be a big advantage for the kids as they don’t need to buy a separate road plate product to get started building their LEGO City.
We also acknowledge this is a big change for the AFOL community but we believe long term the new road plate will allow for even greater fan builds and customization.
It has been of a great importance for us to develop a new element that adds new aspects to the play experience LEGO City brings to millions of kids every year and at the same time is more true to what LEGO is all about. Building.
Re: Nova cesta - review
Ni pa povedal zakaj so šli v to: ker delajo "baseplate" ceste (stare) pri zunanjem izvajalcu, in imajo tako manjšo maržo. Ni mi pa jasno, kako da sami, po vseh teh letih, še niso "osvojili" te tehnologije.